Mack Hemming is preparing to graduate from Year 12 at ÃÛÌÒ Flinders Anglican College in a matter of days with his Class of 2024 peers.
A talented athlete and cross country runner, Mack plans to continue sports training beyond Flinders and pursue tertiary study.
Since joining Flinders in Year 7, Mack has made his Secondary years count, embracing many opportunities on offer at the College – on the sports field and track, in the classroom and through his studies, and even in the hairdressing chair at lunchtime when he shaved his hair off to fundraise for local charity, Little Windmills, alongside his Senior peers.
Mack has also been part of the Flinders Elite Athlete Program over five years. With FEAP's support, Mack was able to enjoy a balanced Year 12 journey, full of time for study and also time for sport, of course! Mack joined his friends to play many different sports this year, including basketball, volleyball, netball, AFL, touch football, cross country and athletics. His achievements in 2024 include Age Champion for Cross Country; the Award for Exceptional Achievement in Cross Country; and the Outstanding All-Round Sports Award.
Mack also achieved Academic Excellence and Academic Endeavour Awards, recognising his commitment to his studies and upholding the values of the College.
A wonderful role model, Mack has given his time to younger students at Flinders, helping with coaching and inspiring up-and-coming runners.
We asked Mack to reflect on his achievements and the support he's received over his Secondary years as part of the Flinders Elite Athlete Program.
Thanks for sharing your inspiring journey in this FEAP profile, Mack!
Mack, please tell us about some of your sporting achievements.
Throughout secondary schooling, I have been fortunate to represent Queensland on multiple occasions. In August, I represented the Queensland School Sport Cross Country team at the National Championships in Victoria. This was a rewarding achievement as it was the result of months of training after coming back from injury. It was a great way to cap off my school sporting journey.
What are your sporting goals for 2024 and beyond?
I am continuing to train as I'm preparing to compete in the Queensland & Australian Championships for Athletics in the 1500 and 5000m races during 2025.
What are your academic goals at Flinders?
I’m looking to continue my academic focus and achieve the results I need to study Engineering in Brisbane.
What support have you enjoyed through FEAP over the past four years?
FEAP has supported me with flexibility around training and classes, allowing me to achieve academic and sporting success. With support from the FEAP Director, Ms Nourse, I have been able to manage assessments and fit them in with my training schedule.
What new skills and strategies have you learned through the FEAP workshops?
I have learnt a lot about aspects of performance that I otherwise wouldn't have looked into, such as diet, psychology, breathing, and injury prevention and rehab.
To learn more FEAP stories and be inspired by our student athletes, visit here.